Monday, January 26, 2015

Advertisement Redo

 This is the original ad that is advertising a new healthy cereal from Kelloggs.  This ad is stating that this new cereal will help you have a better body.

This is my critique of the ad.  In this photo, I list all of the things that are wrong or not true about this ad.  Some of the weird things about this add are saying the cereal will help you get a better body and eating the cereal hot.
This is the final version of the re-do of the ad and how I would portray the ad if it were telling the truth.

Advertisements can appear in many different forms in todays society.  On almost every webpage there is an ad trying to show off a product or a business.  It can also come in video format. An example of this would be Youtube and there is an ad before every popular video.  They are also everywhere we look.  There are advertisements on the street for food or to buy a house.  These advertisements can also persuade people to act.  An example of this is if you are driving down a road and see an ad for pizza and that makes you hungry to eat pizza.  That ad persuaded you to think about pizza and made you hungry and made you want to act to get pizza.  It can also persuade people to do many other things like buy a product or material because it is cool or they want it.  I also believe that advertisements should not be regulated by the government.  We as Americans have the freedom of speech and advertisements are a form of speech.  The only reason the government should be able to intervene is if the ad if against the President or the United States.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Self Portrait

This was a project about making a self portrait with thanks that I am about.  For example, I play hockey so I have a goalie mask and stick as my head and arms.  Things that worked well for me was putting all the layers in one comp to work on them one by one.  That helped me analyze each layer individually.  The most challenging part of this project was trying to make the shape of a person.  I found it difficult to make a human using random objects that i enjoy.  Next time I will try to make it look more realistic and less fake.  The only tools I used are the magic wand tool, quick selection tool, crop, rotation, and a flip.  I can use this basic photoshop knowledge for almost anything.  If I need to add text to a photo or arrange more than one photo together I can do that now.  I also added a cat because I love cats and I couldn't think of any other way to incorporate him into my picture.